Organizer: Pellaeon LIn <pellaeon at cnmc dot tw>
Sponsor: Gandi for the venue, snacks and drinks :-D
Time |
Topic |
Speaker |
9:00~9:30 |
Gathering |
9:30~9:40 |
Introduction & Announcements |
Pellaeon Lin |
9:40~10:30 |
The FreeBSD ports and pkg system, developer's perspective |
Li-Wen Hsu |
10:40~11:30 |
Marcelo Araujo |
11:40~12:30 |
MOD server & FreeBSD |
Kevin Lo |
12:30~14:00 |
Lunch break |
14:00~14:50 |
Translation of The FreeBSD Documentation |
Ruey-Cherng Yu |
15:00~17:00 |
Workshop: FreeBSD Ports |
Li-Wen Hsu |
The FreeBSD ports and pkg system, developer's perspective
FreeBSD 的一大特色就是 ports system, `cd /usr/ports/foo/bar && make
install` 就可以自動完成一套軟體的安裝,本演講將介紹 ports system
port,以及如何從頭開始做一個 port,並送到 FreeBSD issue tracker 上,成為
official ports tree 的一部份。
Translation of The FreeBSD Documentation
FreeBSD 的一個特色就是擁有許多高品質的技術文件,還有一個嚴謹有組織的文件團隊,但是這些文件的最新版都是英文版的,大部分現有的正體中文翻譯已經是八年前的資料,甚少參考利用的價值,以致於這些高品質文件在台灣的使用者間曝光度有限,非常可惜。
去年八月,FreeBSD 文件計畫改用 GNU gettext 翻譯系統,使得翻譯文件的流程更加便利。本次講題將簡介 FreeBSD 文件計畫,翻譯流程,以及正體中文翻譯計畫的現況,希望能喚起大家的熱情,參與正體中文翻譯計畫,讓更多的台灣使用者受益。
MOD server & FreeBSD
FreeBSD is becoming the operating system of choice in a wide array of
embedded applications, ranging from network appliances such as routers
and firewalls to media-rich consumer appliances such as media on demand
and digital delivery platforms.
In this talk, I will explain why we use FreeBSD, how we build a media on
demand server that streams videos as well as music and lessons learned.
Workshop: FreeBSD Ports
Ports committer Li-Wen Hsu will bring us hands-on workshop to porting software to FreeBSD using Ports. This workshop targets people with basic build tools and Ports usage (installing/removing software using Ports) knowledge but no experience in porting software to FreeBSD.
Marcelo’s talk details will be updated here when ready