今年 12 月有 FreeBSD 的重量級人物要來台灣!
George Neville-Neil, 現任 FreeBSD core team, FreeBSD foundation board of directors 的成員。
我們很高興邀請到他在台北給一個小型的 talk, 題目為 "Building Products with FreeBSD", 另外他也會介紹關於 FreeBSD comminity 和 FreeBSD Foundation。
George 也是 The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System 1/e, 2/e 的作者之一 (想要作者簽名的可以把握機會了,另外想買書的請參考 [1],順便贊助 FreeBSD foundation)
George 的個人網站在這邊: http://neville-neilconsulting.com/
- Networking, 他有一系列的課程: https://www.mckusick.com/courses/netorderform.html
- System Tracing (DTrace, 同時也是 opendtrace, https://github.com/opendtrace 的發起人 ) 近年來發起了 TeachBSD 計畫, http://teachbsd.org , 可以參考裡面 "A Look Inside FreeBSD with DTrace" 的部份
- Security, 他是前 Yahoo! Paranoid team 的成員, 建立了 Paranoid University
George likes to say that he, "Works on networking and operating system code for fun and profit." Writing machine code, building hardware and teaching computing since his teens, his first profit making programming gig was hacking DBase III code for an insurance company while still in High School. He published his first piece of commercial software, an audio digitizer for the then popular Amiga computer, while still in college.
He is the author of two leading books on operating systems, the latest co-authored with Marshall Kirk McKusick and Robert N. M. Watson of The Design and implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System 2nd Ed.
Standing firmly at the intersection of industry and academia and due to his top ranking as software development, George has worked on research projects with the University of Cambridge as well as the University of Twente in the Netherlands. He has spent many years producing commercial software for companies such as Wind River Systems, who, along with NASA, put a bit of his code on Mars with the Pathfinder probe.
For over ten years he has been the columnist better known as Kode Vicious, producing the most widely read column in both of ACM's premier flagship magazines, "Queue" and "Communications of the ACM". More recently he was tapped to chair the ACM Practitioner Board, which is dedicated to bridging the gap between research and industry, where he helped create the ACM Applicative conference.
He is an avid bicyclist and traveler who speaks several languages including Japanese, and Dutch as well as English, and has lived and worked in Amsterdam and Tokyo. He currently lives in Brooklyn, New York.